One penny at a time



It is amazing what saving coins can do. At Thinkful Thinking, we believe that a little goes a long way. Anything can make a difference. Your change collection, however little or large can help provide food, clean drinking water and safe passage to school. It can also increase family income, prevent disease and provide warmth in cold weather.

Raising $100 is easier than you think. All you need is an empty 16oz. water bottle and the Thankful Thinking “One Penny at a Time” sticker. We ask for coins, not just limited to pennies. 

 Put one on your kitchen counter or your desk at work, or visit your favorite business and ask them to put your water bottle on the counter for 30 days. (You may want to check back sooner — they can fill up fast!)

Once your water bottle is full, please convert your coins or if you are near by our drop off area, drop them off. Pennies are also used to create large Penny mosaic pieces that we use in our fundraising ventures. 

 If you have coins to drop off,  Please drop them at the addresses below