About us

Help underprivileged, overlooked and vulnerable children have the ability to improve their lives and the opportunity to become successful adults who bring positive change in their communities.

Join our Heart to Heart and Change for Change Campaign

Your gift will help underprivileged children be safe, healthy,educated and hopeful and grow to realize their full potential.

Current Projects

Water Tank fo Kalingalinga

Because every child deserves to live and learn in a clean and healthy environment, Thankful Thinking is partnering up with local schools here in San Diego to help build a water tank for Kalingalinga Primary School in  Lusaka, Zambia. Giving deprived and poor children a good, safe and clean learning environment is key to mission. Being […]

Community Partners

The Value of Local Partnership Together, Thankful Thinking and its local partners must be able to navigate the changing development landscape, building on existing strengths while also anticipating and positioning around shared insights about the future.